Date & Time: August 1 - 5, 2022 (8:30am – 3:30pm)
Location: TBD + Zoom Videoconference
Grade Level: High School
Audience: High School Educators
Course Fee: $475
The Physics for the Next Generation Workshop will be offered in two formats: 1) All Virtual workshops and 2) Hybrid which will be a mixture of virtual and in-person workshops.
For this HYBRID series, sessions will meet Monday through Friday 8:30 - 11:30 AM and 1:00 - 3:30 PM. Monday and Friday will be held virtual. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday sessions will be held in person, at a local high school, likely in Beaverton.
Both workshops focus on three-dimensional (3D) learning through culturally responsive phenomena-based storylines that intertwine the disciplinary core ideas of physics with the scientific and engineering practices and crosscutting concepts as described in the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). Teachers experience the Patterns Approach of using inquiry and exploration to learn content as well as how to integrate engineering and student-centered learning experiences, such as coding spreadsheets and simulations, into their instructional design. Teachers will learn instructional practices that advance equitable engagement of students as they solve real-world problems and utilize the science practices to understand and think critically about the world around them. Teachers will also learn how to structure inquiry and engineering investigations with multiple designs to foster equitable discourse and collaboration between students.
If you are part of a district that plans to have numerous teachers attend, please have your science lead or administrator contact Kristen Harrison at to discuss group registration options.
Feel free to contact Kristen with any questions you may have.