Career Connected Learning Resources
The Portland metro region has thousands of high wage, high demand jobs available now and these opportunities are projected to grow dramatically over the next ten years. We want Oregon youth to be aware of and positioned to pursue these jobs. We focus on connecting educators and youth to career information in the following ways.
Paid Teacher Externships
Each summer, high school math, science, and CTE teachers from our region participate in paid externships at local companies. From transportation engineering to software development to tool manufacturing, participants encounter a wide range of STEM-related careers and opportunities to bring industry experiences to life in their classrooms.

Externships take place in the summer (usually July/August) and involve approximately 6 hours that includes an orientation, 4-5 hours on-site, and concludes with an opportunity to reflect with other educators on what and how to apply this experience to your professional practice.
thank you to our 2023 host organizations!
special thanks to our collaborating partners!
“We heard so many varied perspectives and backgrounds—from engineers to urban planners to risk management. This will allow me to tell kids about future opportunities despite varied student interests.”
Industry Connection Videos
Check out these videos produced in collaboration with industry partners that show the application of Physics and Chemistry concepts within their work. Educators can use these videos to show students how the same content, practices, and skills they are learning in their classrooms are used by industry professionals to solve real challenges. In addition, Industry partners have an opportunity to support career-connected learning for their future workforce.
Jose Araya from Intel talks about how physics and engineering practices and skills are used in his lab every day. He also talks about the importance of arriving at quality solutions through collaborative thinking; using a diversity of voices; and testing and retesting.

See also, Math in Real Life, which offers video resources based on externships and resources developed by middle and high schools educators.
Career Pathways Handouts
Interested in providing students with information about high wage and high demand jobs in our region? Check out these handouts for students connected to the High School Science For All Physics Units. For our partner districts (Beaverton, Hillsboro, and Portland Public), the backside of each handout offers suggestions for courses/classes at each individual school connected to lessons in their science classrooms. We have example handouts for Chemistry & Biology.
Front of Handout
Back of handout