What happens when you mix over 150 Intel volunteers and 1,500 4th graders in 60 classrooms? MAGIC!
Building a BIPOC STEAM Ecosystem Initiative Launches!!
The Caring Caravan
All Roads Go Through Equity
Do Grades Measure Compliance or Learning?
Each year in the fall, students and families typically received their first set of grades for the year. Along with these grades come a myriad of feelings. But what can grades actually measure?
(Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash)
Keeping Centered on Equity
Please STOP Excusing My Dear Aunt Sally
Canvas, Seesaw, now what?!
Teaching Tip: Using Breakout Rooms Effectively
STEAM Transformation Schools' Summer of Learning 2020
During summer 2020, 113 K-8 educators across eight school districts came together to deepen their knowledge of science, technology, engineering, arts/design, and mathematics or STE(A)M. The 30 hours of professional learning combined in-person (Zoom) events with an asynchronous online course that allowed participants to explore the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), understand ways to integrate engineering activities into learning, and the key strategies for using project-based learning.