Come spend the evening with fellow colleagues, industry partners, educators, and supporters of STE(A)M education. Share your ideas and insights, listen to the perspectives of others, and help the Portland Metro STEM Partnership identify opportunities to advance our region's priorities.
Where: Maseeh College of Engineering & Computer Science, Atrium Lobby | 1930 SW 4th Ave, Portland
Parking: Complimentary parking is provided in the Fourth Ave Parking Garage at 1900 SW 4th Ave. You will receive a parking voucher upon leaving the meeting.
When: Thursday, September 14th, 4:00pm - 6:30pm | Food and beverages provided
We are excited to announce Wilson Nitunga will be facilitating a presentation discussing ChatGPT in the classroom!
Wilson Nitunga is a Faculty of Business Administration & Entrepreneurship at Portland Community College. His work includes helping to improve the department’s Business Systems & Artificial Intelligence curriculum integration efforts. When he is not in the classroom, he develops technology programs and inclusive leadership training programs for K-12 and colleges across the country. Wilson’s focus is on closing the opportunity gap, today, and helping companies and education systems meet the demands of the future workforce. To know more about Wilson and his work, check out his website here!